The Healing Process
The Healing Process is an integral part of the Microblading Procedure. Because the pigment is deposited just beneath the surface, it is important to protect it while the skin is closing over it and trapping it just under the surface.... Learn More
The Difference in Microblading and Tattoos
Until the recent invention of microblading, the only effective option women had who had lost their eyebrows, was either to draw their brows on each morning, or to get an eyebrow tattoo. Tattoos are a permanent application of pigment under... Learn More
Numbing the Skin for Microblading
One of the most frequent questions I get as a microblade artist is: “Does Eyebrow microblading hurt?” And, the issue of numbing is especially confusing because an online search of microblade clients produces a dramatic diversity of responses. For some... Learn More
Natural vs. Stylized Eyebrow Microblading
Microblading can be used to create virtually any shape or color of eyebrows. When selecting a microblade artist, one of the most important considerations is that the artist understands the results that the client wants. There is also the question... Learn More
Maintaining the Color of Microbladed Brows
There are two simple steps that can help preserve the original color of microblading pigment as long as possible. This reduces the frequency of touch-ups, and also helps retain the ideal color tone. The most important way to protect your... Learn More
Microblading for Redheads
At Brows By Bodine, we mix our microblade pigments for each client. This means that we can match virtually any hair color that the client wants. This is especially important for redheads, because pre-mixed pigments often lack adequate color options... Learn More